Name Game. Looks like "Monstropolis" is the title with "Small Mediums at Large" working itself into the subtitle. (FYI: There was a vote moved from Monstropolis to Monstrocity by Jen after everyone left, leaving Monstropolis +3.)
Monster Manifesto. Over the next week everyone should post their thoughts for the show statement on the blog. Alex (or Chad or Pat?) is going to chew on them and spit them out in a hairball of monstrous glory.
Floor Plan. We reviewed the plan for the layout of the city. We decided that the platform will be approx. 4ft by 8ft. The city will have major landmarks/buildings in relatively accurate locations. Chad and Alex are going to work out the specifics for the floor plan. IF YOU HAVE MORE IDEAS ABOUT BUILDINGS/LANDMARKS TO INCLUDE, let them know.
Your Piece of the Pie. Once we have outlined the infrastructure, we're going to divvy up parts of the city. Most everyone has sketches of monsters that fit into the city somehow, so think about where you see yours specifically and what buildings/landmarks you'd like to work on.
So, to recap the recap:
Post ideas for the statement on the blog.
Think about how you'd like your art to fit into the structure of the city specifically and sketch it up.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 18th. (Place TBD.) It would be thuper to have everyone there, as the following 2 weeks are Christmas and New Years.